Monday, April 16, 2012

A day at the Zoo

Being a biologist in my former (pre kid) life, I love to take my kids to the zoo, aquariums, Sea world, and other places where they can be exposed to animals and science.  I find this especially important in these early days of their childhood.  On Saturday we went to the zoo we my cousin and her kids.  We had a great day.  We made a full lap around the zoo with only one stroller.  That means the boys had to walk or sucker my cousins children into carrying them, which they did quite often.  They haven't developed the tough skin that a mom has that makes us immune to those cute little faces that ask so nicely to be carried.  As we made our way around the zoo I love watching their faces light up when we get to a new animal. 

Photo by Wendy Leeds
This friendly fellow came right up to the fence.  The boys got so excited they ran right up to the fence.  I stood back and just watched them watching the giraffe.  They would turn around and scream "mommy do you see it?"  I love knowing that they are excited by animals and nature.

Photo by Wendy Leeds
Although Lilly is a little young to show much interest in the zoo she loves to be outside and walking around.  

photo by Wendy Leeds
 Although you can't tell by her grumpy face in the stroller she was having a good time.  Sometimes she just needed a little time with mommy to bring out her beautiful smile
photo by Wendy Leeds
 Since this was a special visit the kids came with their Aunt Wendy everyone got a special treat.  Look at those snakes.  One of the things I am coming to realize is that there are some battles I will not win.  Boys like snakes.  They play with sticks.  They like to wrestle.  So I am learning to go with it.  Here they are with their wonderful treats from their Aunt, Giant Snakes.
photo by Wendy Leeds
My sweet Lilly got a beautiful pink elephant which she loves to chew on and the boys have had endless fun with their snakes.  They like to carry them around and make them hiss.  Of course I have to give the obligatory "EEEK a snake" every single time.  That night they all three fell asleep with their snakes in their beds.
photo by Wendy Leeds
 I have to say it was a successful visit to the zoo.  The boys had a great time.  Lilly got to get out.  She loves all the attention when people oooo and ahh over how cute she is so it was a pretty good day for her too.  Not to mention I had a great day with my cousin and her kids.  Now we get to look forward to Disneyland on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. So excited that you are doing this. It will be a great keepsake for you to look back upon. I haven't wrote anything recent on mine, but I sure do treasure going back through the old posts and seeing many of the fun times we've shared together as a family. PLUS . . . . I think you have such valuable wisdom and insight and a great ability to share your story.
