Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Small goals for big change - Week 3

Week 2 update.

SUCCESS!!  I can't believe I went the whole week with only drinking "Real beverages."  Now I just have to keep it up.  I even passed up on Soda when my mom brought it over to the house.  It is still sitting on my counter devilishly calling my name but I did not open it up.  I also got my bookshelf and jewelery box cleaned up.  I plan on moving the table out into the living room but I haven't done that yet.   I also need a longer extension cord that will go behind the shelf.
New decluttering goal.

Moving on through our room I am going to work on the side of the bed near the closet.  Right now there is stuff falling out of the closet and pillows everywhere.  Please don't make fun of the fact that we only have a table tray for a night stand.  We have four kids, I don't buy myself new furniture. 
Week 3  100 days of real food challenge, meat. –

Here is the exact wording from 100 days of real food "All meat consumed this week will be locally raised (within 100-miles of your hometown). Meat consumption will also be limited to 3 – 4 servings this week, and when it is eaten meat will not be presented as the “focal point” of the meal. Instead meat will be treated as a side item or simply used to help flavor a dish."

    OK so I had a grand plan to make this happen this week.  Ray and I were going to go to a farmers market on Saturday where there is a local butcher and we were going to try local meats. I was going to do awesome meal plans so that I knew exactly how to tackle this challenge.   Then Saturday happened.  It was attack of the crazy three year olds.  The fact that I have three in the house makes it way worse.  Every time we tried to get them to change activities or get ready to go all three boys were throwing huge tantrums.  Well eventually we decidede it just was not worth it to leave the house.  That of course lead to more tantrums and the day just got worse from there.  So not only did I not go to get the local meats I also didn't meal plan or grocery shop.  When this happens the week is a mess. 

    So I am trying my best to at least try to not make meat the focal point of our meals.  That is what I am accepting as the challenge.  All week this week our meat at dinner is not going to be the focal point.  At least for me.  Tomorrow my mom is going to this fancy BBQ restaurant and bring dinner home.  If I told my husband he could not eat a gigantic pile of meat (which is what he is planning on doing) I am pretty sure he would laugh at me.    Next week I am going to try again with the well planed menu and buying local meat.  I am even going to try to sneak some vegetarian dinners in there. 

And even though they drive me absolutely nuts I still think they are cute so here are some pictures of the kids from this week.

Nick is the first to get his Big boy bike for Potty training

The three musketeers are getting ready for Halloween

Lilly leaning how to Sword fight with her Uncle

1 comment:

  1. oh my word the 3 musketeers are way too cute, i loved that photo!!
