Monday, September 10, 2012

Small steps towards big change. Week 1

     I am starting to come out of the new born haze that most moms feel during that first year of a child life.  I'm not sure what causes it but I am pretty sure it has something to do with the inability to sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time.  Now that the cloud of fog is lifting out of my brain I am starting to see all the things in my life that I have let slide for this year.  The two main things are; the way we eat and the clutter around our house.  So I am going to make 2 challenges a week one for the diet and one for decluttering.

   I have been looking on the 100 days of real food blog and I really want to make a change in the way we are eating.  I have been so overwhelmed by taking care of the four kids that I found myself buying tons of prepackaged snacks from Costco just because it was easier.  I don't think I can go cold turkey and cut out all processed food.  I am pretty sure that if I did that the kids heads would explode.  Instead I am going to take her 14 weeks of mini challenges.  I am not going to force anyone else to make the same changes but seeing as though I make the meals for the kids and most dinners I may be able to make some positive change for the whole family.

   So week 1: The first week is to eat a minimum of two different fruits/vegetables at each meal. Her website says organic but when I went to the grocery store today there wasn't a whole lot of options.  I didn't get a chance to plan out meals for all week but I got some easy staples that will go with whatever protein I try to make for dinner.  Today I was successful except for breakfast because I had not been to the store yet.  So hopefully this week goes well and I will incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our everyday diet.

Its just embarrassing
Decluttering week 1:  I am going to take a small portion of my house each week and clean it up.  This is an embarrassing thing to admit but my house is a mess.  I still have boxes that I haven't touched in a year.  We have lived in the house for a year and I still have not finished setting everything up the way I want.  So here is my first goal.  Lilly's bassinet as become a place to stash all things.  Right now it is housing a ton of laundry that needs to be put away.  There is all sorts of stuff behind it and under it and it just needs to go.  My motivation is that I want to try to sell the bassinet so if I clean it all up maybe I can get some money.  Always a good incentive in my opinion. 

So wish me luck hopefully by next Monday I will be a little healthier and a little cleaner.


  1. Small step is the way to go! You can do it Nicole!

    1. Thanks, this weeks challenge isn't too hard but they get harder. Hopefully I can make it happen!
