Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Trip 2013 : Part Three Christmas in Utah

When we decided to have our holidays on the road I knew there were things I was going to want to do with the kids, traditions I wanted to keep, and ones that I didn't mind letting go of.  I was trying to think of some of the things that really make it feel like Christmas at our house and how I could bring that to a rental property.  The biggest thing I could think of was a tree.  We had talked about getting a tree once we got there but I knew that it would just be too much or we wouldn't really have time for it so I decided to make a portable tree for our trip.

I was trying to think of something flat, easy to pack and easy to decorate.  I decided to make a large tree out of felt and then have the kids help me decorate felt ornaments to go on it.  My kids love crafts so I knew they would be on board with helping and I think it came out perfectly.  I bought 1.5 yards of green felt but I probably only needed about a yard.  I bought the yellow star made out of think hard felt so it would stand straight.  I cut ornament shapes out of random pieces of felt that I had in my craft boxes.  Then I had the kids decorate them with glitter glue and sequins.

Putting up our travel tree
Our second day there Ray taped up our little tree and the kids helped put all the ornaments on.  If I were to use it again I might add some Velcro because the decorated ornaments were a little heavy and they fell off easily.  Even though they kept falling off I just loved it.  It made everything in the house feel like it had more Christmas spirit.
All finished.  It added just the right touch of holiday spirit.
 On Christmas Eve we had plans to go drive out to Roy to Ray's Aunt's house. I wanted to make sure we did some of our traditions that we would normally do at our house.  Our biggest one for Christmas Eve is each child gets one gift.  It is a special gift.  Ray chooses on special thing for Lilly and I pick out something for each boy.  This year the boys got Lego Star Wars watches.  They were so excited they ripped open the packages and dropped the pieces everywhere. It took awhile to find all the pieces to put it together.   

I love picking out a special watch for them each year.
Ray found a sweet little silver heart necklace.  She was so excited.  She kept saying "this is my heart necklace from daddy. It's beautiful."  I just loved watching the two of them.  It is so special to me because this tradition started with my dad.  Each Christmas eve he would (and still does) give my sister and I a piece of jewelry that we would wear to church that night.    It's just one of those things I have loved sharing with my kids.
Daddy and Daughter, it just melts my heart
Once we were all dressed it was time to get in the car.  We had about a hour drive to get to Roy.  Luckily the kids napped a bit.  It was the only quiet car ride of the entire trip and Ray and I had left our Audio book CD's in his parent's car.  But that's OK a little bit of silence was a good thing.  There wasn't much of that for the 12 days we were gone so we enjoyed the little time we had.

The kids were a little shy when we first got to Ray's Aunt's house but they warmed up quickly.  They started running around the house with their cousins and raiding the food table for snacks and goodies.  We had finger foods, appetizers and desserts.  I am pretty sure the kids ate nothing but chips and dip and sweets, then washed it down with some punch.  We tried to coax them to have some chicken or vegetables but it was no use.  I finally just gave up.

While the kids ran around we had some time to chat and visit with all of Ray's family.  We don't get out to Utah that often so it is always nice to visit.  At one point the boys came in where all the adults were and tried to sing jingle bells.  It was so cute.  Joe was so sad that his light up tie form Grandpa wasn't working that he couldn't really focus on singing.  They continued to run around for the rest of the night having a fantastic time.  Lilly wanted to "go for a swim" in Aunt Cathy's tub.  I don't think they have ever seen such a fancy tub which is why she thought it was a swimming pool.

Family picture with some great light up ties and necklaces from Grandpa.
We left late in the evening so we thought the kids would be asleep in the car by the time we got back to the condo but that was not the case.  They stayed awake the entire time talking about Frozen and singing the songs.  Then they would talk about Santa, presents, cookies and all sorts of Christmas fun.  They were so worked up I knew we weren't going to be able to put them to sleep right away.  So the boys and I set out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa and then Ray read them a story.  We found the book Santa is Coming to Utah at Wal-Mart that day.  The kids were excited to read a story about where we were visiting.  We did eventually get them into bed figuring even though it was a late night they would still be up early in the morning.
Lilly fell asleep but the boys were going strong at 10 o clock at night.
On Christmas morning, Lilly woke up about an hour before the boys.  So all of us grown ups and Lilly were sitting around the table having some coffee and tea waiting for the big event.  Finally we started to hear them stir.  Ray went to get all of them at the same time so they could see their presents form Santa at the same time.  Each year they are starting to understand and enjoy the anticipation of the holidays more.  This year they were so excited they could hardly stand it.

Starting to open their stockings
 Once they ran into the living room the chaos of Christmas with little kids began.  We always try to have just one present being opened at a time but that is so hard for the kids it rarely ever works.  The boys were very excited when they saw a note for Grandpa saying he had been naughty and got some coal.  Grandpa taught them the phrase "what the heck." and they have been saying it non stop ever since.

Grandpa opening his coal (chocolate coal) form Santa.
The kids were so excited about Aunt Bobbi being with us for Christmas morning they wanted to help pick out some more presents for her.  Joe picked out a red scarf which he insisted was exactly what she needed and James picked out a big butterfly necklace.  He also said it was just perfect.  They were just silly little presents but the boys tried to pick out nice things for her and she loved them.  Joe even told me later "Aunt Bobbi had her scarf on so it means she likes it and I did a good job picking it out."  I just love how thoughtful my boys are becoming.  It just makes me so proud.  

Aunt Bobbi Showing off her scarf.
The boys got scooters from Santa this year.  Of course we then had to tell them that they would have to wait until we were in Arizona to ride them because scooters are not very good in the snow.  They also got some new Nintendo games.  I have never played Skylanders but they seemed to love it.  I think James more so likes to play with the characters rather than the actual video game.  I'm sure that might change over time.  Lilly was absolutely thrilled with her pink dollies and her calico critters house. We made Ray's Parents their Shutterfly picture book that we do every year.  I know its the same thing every year but I think it's a good way to look back at all the adventures we have had in a year.
Lilly opening her It's a Small world doll.

I was able to keep Ray's gift a secret.  We got him the Large lego R2D2 set.  He still hasn't built it yet because he is trying to figure out where to do it without the kids getting into it.  I got a fit bit and an arm band for my iphone. Ray also got me and ornament that I love.  It is a small glass ornament with the year and all the things we did throughout the year on it.  Opening it totally made me tear up.  He just knows me so well. It really was a fantastic Christmas.

After presents I cooked our traditional Christmas breakfast.  We have poached eggs on corn bread, sausage, and grapefruit.  I am so glad that Ray's parents don't mind me cooking it.  We have had it in my family since before I was born.  I know that I could have a Christmas without it but it just makes it even better when I can share my family's traditions with his.

The kids played with their toys for awhile but they started getting antsy to go outside.  My kids are so used to going outside every day that they get the crazies if they can't run around.  So we bundled up and went for a walk.  Of course James went falling into every giant snow pile he found and Lilly tasted the snow every few feet, just to make sure it still tastes like snow.  

Some of Ray's family was able to come out to our condo for a Christmas Dinner.  Again the kids got to run around with their cousin and we had some time to chat.  

All in all it was a fabulous Christmas.  I can't believe it has taken me almost a month to get the post written.  I blame part of that on having to catch up from being away for so long.  I am going to try to get the last post about Arizona up soon.

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